Thursday, May 6, 2010


On a visit to the garden centre yesterday I picked up an oak leaf which was past its best but I love the way leaves decay and break down.

I scanned it on the computer and then printed it onto some silk that I had fused to vilene.  

The colour turned out strange because I am running out of colour in my printer but I quite like it anyway.

Once it was printed I decided just to stitch with the machine as my hands were a  bit sore with the cold weather having arrived.  I added a little foil and it will be a book cover when I have time to finish it off.


  1. This is very good Dian, very interesting. I have to try this sometimes, I have never used my printer for printing on fabric.

  2. Hi Dian!

    Thanks for your comment. Yes, I think being under par in any way - be it stress, illness or whatever, is a serious block to creativity. I don't really mind as long as I've got stuff to read and, as I've joined the library where I can get English novels to read, I'm doing OK there!

    I'm gathering lots of photos and some stash for future ideas, but I think I'll have to be really motivated to bring them to fruition. I don't mind that either - I guess it's just the way I work.=)

    It's really warm here at the mo, but's been wet today so that, when I get off air-conditioned buses, my glasses steam up!!!=)

  3. Wow cant wait to see this finished Dian, and i must try scanning things and print them....thanks for your comment on my elephant x

  4. Dian, I did comment on this a few days ago, must have 'died' in cyberspace??? This is lovely, and I'm sure you'll be happy with it when you make it up. I love this computer/photo/printing thing, it's so much fun to do, and even more fun to watch what friends are doing. Well done.
