Friday, May 14, 2010


I managed to turn my printed leaf into a book cover.

The lining fabric was some cotton print I had in my stash and matched the leaf perfectly.  


  1. What an excellent match, ie print and fabric. Such a great use of what nature and 'man' has to offer. Well done, and the autumn tones are just wonderful.

  2. This is very clever, I like it a lot.

  3. Hi Dianne, this is more info on the Rajah Quilt. It is in fact a coverlet. It is held as one the world's most important textiles. It is made out of 2,815 pieces. In 1816, Elizabeth Fry, concerned by the plight of women prisoners in Newgate Prison, formed the British Ladies Society for the Reformation of Female Prisoners. One of the many improvements was to offer prisoners active employment such as needlework to keep them occupied. It was this Society which donated sewing supplies to the 180 women prisoners on board of the HMS Rajah, bound for Hobart. On the ships arrival in Hobart 3 months later, the quilt was presented to the Lieutenant Governor's wife, Lady Jane Franklin. It was inscribed (in short): to the ladies of the convict ship committee... as a testimony of the gratitude and concern for their welfare..and also a proof that they did not neglect the ladies kind admoniton of being industrious. At some stage after its arrival in Tasmania the quilt was returned to England, to be presented to Elizabeth Fry. Whether she knew of it before her death four years after its completion is unknown. The quilt was rediscovered in 1987 and is now a part of a collection of the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra.
    (Am I glad I bought the book!)

  4. Your book cover is wonderful. I love the autumn tonings that you have used.
