Thursday, July 1, 2010

City & Guilds and other thoughts.

As the new month starts I seem to have created a whole lot of mess in my studio/sewing room.  Too much thinking and not enough action lately.

Anyway one thought that comes and goes with some regularity is the idea of doing a City & Guilds course by distance learning.  If anyone can offer any advice on the matter I would really appreciate it.  Perhaps I could make up my mind one way or another and then that would be one less thing to keep thinking about!

In the meantime I will address a couple of things in previous blogs.  Thanks for the kind messages regarding my dear grand children.  The three in the previous blog are the children of my youngest daughter.  My eldest daughter also has a son but we do not see him as often.  They will all sleep over here on Sunday night as it is still school holidays.  Anyway, as far as the cooking is concerned: the children decide for themselves what they want to cook - usually something they have done at home or at their other grandmother's house.  We then write a list of the supplies needed and go shopping. 
After that they do the preparation and the cooking.  They set the table and serve up the food.  I guess it is only fair that I clean up afterwards!!! 

Jensters,  you asked me about my ATC for Stitchin Fingers.  I did finish mine and posted it on Monday.  It took me quite a while to decide what to do but once I decided I found I had something already stitched and I only had to add some water colour to it.  It was much more challenging than I had expected.  I hope it fits the requirements.  I think this month's theme of "wings" will be much easier.


  1. As for the C&G i cant help you there...would love to do it but its in the daytime, so im doing an evening textile course and its for a year!!

    Im looking forward to the wings too Dian....but cant wait to see yours if you added some watercolour to it xx

  2. Hello Dianne, If you are considering doing a C&G course do lots of homework first. As I have found out that at the end of this year my teacher is retiring & will no longer be marking my work or sending me out more notes. I am trying to get the Guild in the UK to take over from her. Other than that, I am really enjoying doing the C&G course that I have chosen, in stumpwork embroidery level three.
    Your Friend

  3. I hope you find some answers to this Dian, and if you do decide to go ahead with it, best of luck. Surely in this digital/techno age this sort of thing would be commonplace??? Hope we see your ATC when it arrives, and good luck with 'wings'. I'm sure you'll come up with something creative.
