Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mitred Corners

Confession time - I have never achieved the perfect, or even nearly ok, mitred corners on my work.  Does anyone know of an online tutorial that might set me on the right path. 


  1. Just e-mail me at with your address and I will send you some photcopies of a couple of good articles.

  2. have you googled it? I found it was just a case of try, try and try again. You get there after about 10 years!!

  3. Dian, sorry I haven't commented until now, things busy here. Hope the articles Judy has will help. If you have any Quilters Companion magazines, you will find some instructions with drawings in their section for QC Basics. I love doing mitred corners, and do them as often as I can, BUT I have to be honest and tell you that each time one out of the four will give me grief. Good luck. I haven't Googled it, but will do so now that you've brought it up.

  4. Allison Aller at is always superb at these things - you might just contact her and ask for help - I know she's dealt with it at some point on her beautiful blog.
