Saturday, December 18, 2010

early morning visitors

This morning we had a visit from 2 Yellow tail black cockatoos.  It is the first time I have seen them so close.  They occasionally fly over in large and very noisy flocks but this pair were just sitting quietly in the tree at our back fence.

 These fellows usually feed off the seeds of the eucalyptus trees.  We have plenty of them around and I guess that is why these birds dropped by.


  1. Two lovely looking birds Dianne maybe they are hungry for some reason or other....did you see on your last post i asked for your address could you send it to my email Ta x

  2. Gorgeous birds. We have a couple of hawks that are around all the time and I love to watch them fly. xox corrine

  3. Dian these black Cockatoos are so special and not seen very often where we live but they often arrive before we are about to get rain which is wonderful! Thank you for your lovely comments which I would like to reciprocate and wish you also the very best Christmas full of joy and happiness with an exciting year ahead of new creativities.
    x Suzy

  4. They are such lovely birds - how lucky to have them so close!

  5. Dian, great photos. So glad you managed such good photos of them. I think seeing them is quite special. We get some a little different. They make a strange sound, and not the hacking ack, ack of the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. I think the ones we get most have some red on them, and they come here to eat the hard berries/nuts that set on a tree we call a Belah Tree [similar to a Bull Oak]. I often 'hear' them making their munching sounds which alerts me to run out to find them.

    I think your black cockatoos brought rain to everyone/everywhere. Goodness, flooding in many parts, lots of rain up here over the weekend, roads cut, but still we are not as wet as others.

    Thank you for your support during the year. Without your encouragement I would never have had the courage to embark on my Blogger adventure. Happy Christmas to you and your family and may 2011 be full of prosperity and happiness.
