Tuesday, March 8, 2011

colours of the reef

Last year I made several pieces of felt and they are just taking up space in my workroom so I have decided to make of bag out of this 
piece.  I had some matching fabric which was ideal for the lining so I have added some thin pellon and machine quilted it.  It is to be a simple bag with a fold-over flap so I hope to finish it tomorrow.  Unless of course I decide it needs a little bling to brighten it up.  The felt it made of merino wool and silk and the depth of the colour reminds me of the water in the great barrier reef.


  1. What a fantastic colour! I love it:))

  2. This is just the most gorgeous color ever. Wow. I could look at it all day.
    xox Corrine

  3. It most certainly does look 'reefy' Dian, and the quilting lines look great. I think you will add something great to give it the look you want. Isn't it wonderful to drag out something and 'find' a way to use it.........

  4. What a perfect Spring bag this will be!
    (I always love trying to figure out things to do with handmade felt...even small scraps!)

  5. I love the colour too. Cant wait to see it made up

  6. what wonderful work you produce . apparantly out of "nothing" and old unloved items. I enjoy folling your works, as I too am a hoarder of various bits & pieces that "one Day" I aim to utilize in the manner in which you have already succeeded. Juist one comment, hope fully to assist you. Can you please not write in dark colours as it is very difficult to pick it up. Just a small request. thanks till next time.
