Tuesday, June 14, 2011


 Today has been a lovely sunny day: cold but sunny.

The little babies I mind each day are such fun.  They are becoming aware of each other and spend time "talking" to each other.  Very funny and sweet.

 The camellias are blooming now and promise a lovely show.

I just love the way the back petals on this one are so pink.

The other bushes are really coming on too.
 The rest of the garden is improving each day.We have managed to make good use of the logs that were cut up from the trees we had taken down.  Some we have kept for next year's fires and some we have used to separate parts of the garden beds.

 The smaller pieces were shredded up to make mulch and we have spent many hours spreading it around the plants.  I am sure we have been making safe places for the lizards and other crawly things that live in the garden.  

The fish pond is settling in well and is ready to for the pump to be installed.  By the spring it should have some plants  in it and some fish as well.

 There is still lots of planting to do but I am very pleased with the progress so far.

This is the view from the top of our driveway.  I just love the shape of our eaucalyptus trees.  They are so unruly and interesting.

From here we can see Mornington and across to Mount Martha.   It really is a lovely place to live.

Tomorrow I am having a day out:  visiting friends for lunch and then I am going to have a massage and a bathe at a luxury  day spa about an hour's drive from here.  I am looking forward to it:  it is said to be one of the best in the world.  My neighbours (parents of the twins) have given me a voucher for a bathe in the mineral pools and a massage and although  it sounds strange to be going somewhere like that in this cold weather I am sure it will be relaxing. 
Peninsula Hot Springs - Welcome - Day Spa on Melbourne's Mornington Peninsula Victoria Australia


  1. What a wonderful view, I love the smell of the eucalyptus trees, wish we had them here. xox Corrine

  2. Camellias in flower? It is not what I would expect this time of year where you are :)
    Have fun tomorrow, lucky lady! Well earned I should imagine:)

  3. I hope you have a lovely relaxing day Dian! Laurel

  4. Wow Dian, such wonderful views and the thought of a massage at the moment sounds divine.......enjoy x

  5. How wonderful your garden is going to look and what a fabulous view ! Have a wonderful day out being pampered sounds divine !

  6. I hope you enjoy your pampering day out. You deserve it. Garden looking nice, yes the view is spectacular.

  7. What a lovely post Dian. The babies must be a constant delight for you, and their parents of course...... I hope the spa and massage went well. It would have been a wonderful experience I'm sure, and well deserved. The garden is coming along well isn't it. You are really making the trees work for you too aren't you. The view is to die for!!! We have the sun today, the first for the week, windy, but sunny, it's quite pleasant. Sorry I've been absent, you know the drill......

  8. Oh Dian, I forgot to mention the new header photo. What a pretty alteration!! Another one that brightens my day when I 'arrive' here. Good for you. I love 'variety'.
