Monday, August 15, 2011

vintage linen & lace

 These are some of my recent
purchases at the op shops.

Most of them are stained or have holes in them so I will use them in some fibre art.

Some of them are really fine and delicate.
 I often wonder who made these and when they were used.


  1. These are so pretty Dian.When they are dyed and used in projects they gain even more beauty.looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  2. You have some gorgeous finds Dian

  3. I love old doileys too. The little crochet doiley in the second last photo with the butterflies must have been very popular because I have that one, and have seen it around. Some of the crochet is exquisite, and yes, we wonder who embroidered all those duchess sets as they were called, and the stories behind them.

  4. Hey Dian these are wonderful...cant wait to see what colours you dye them xx

  5. Oh my, you have some amazing finds there!!

  6. Very lovely items Dianne. I had a closer look at the collar to see if it is hand made. But couldn't see the detail fine enough to tell. Maybe keep that one back, just in case as it would be quite rare and a pity to use it. Anne

  7. What beautiful doilies you've purchased!! I love them all, but my favourites are the ones done in crochet. You will give them a new dimension I'm sure, and of course, as always, I will look forward to seeing more textile work. I wish I could be with you on these op shop hunts, sounds like a real gas.

  8. Ditto to all the previous comments! You have some beautiful little pieces there Dian. I love the crinoline lady best though, stained or not!
