Friday, November 4, 2011

toggles and buttons

I am so far behind with so many things I am beginning to think I shall never catch up.

The course with Karen Raune is finished and I am only half way through.  Of course I can continue on as the information is still available.  This has been a really challenging and interesting course.

This is a toggle which is made using some cotton fabric with an aboriginal design.

My stitching could be a lot better but I am not going to point out the faults.  Suffice to say that I am happy with it.


  1. thats cool what size is it ?.......x

  2. The button course seems to have been a real winner Dian. I like your fabric on this one, quite striking. Try not to bother yourself about the stitching. We are always our own worst critic. Cheers.

  3. Looks great to me Dian, must be hard to stitch so small. xox Corrine

  4. Loving it always wonderful work xx

  5. I can't even imagine how small and fiddly that must have been to make. It looks great.
    Dont point out any faults, it looks good to me. We really are our own worst critics, as Linda said.
    What will you use it on?

  6. I like this toggle best out of all the others I've seen on other blogs (but don't tell anybody, I don't want to hurt their feelings!)
    Love anything with Aboriginal design fabric, and you've done a lovely job of the stitching.
