Thursday, December 1, 2011

crazy quilting

I am thinking of joining a crazy quiliting challenge next year and so today I was looking for suitable fabrics.

This is not something I feel terribly confident about so I have to think carefully before I commit to it.

So far I have joined a class starting next February and also the TAST challenge. Perhaps I can use these together with the crazy quilting challenge.

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  1. I think you would enjoy that challenge Dianne because you can use all the fabrics and trimmings that you love.

    Crazy patchwork is always going to be unique and reflect the personality of the creator.

  2. I am sure CP will sit well with you and your free thinking approach to textiles Dian. The moment you have your fabrics arranged, you will be at ease with it all I'm sure. I hope you enjoy all the classes/challenges. I'm doing the TAST2012 as well, and am quite excited. Cheers.
