Monday, December 19, 2011

The spirit of the season

 As Christmas day approaches the days are busy and mostly happy but yesterday, Sunday, I popped out to a local shopping centre to buy a couple of things.  At the entrance to the car park there is a pedestrian crossing: as I turned in there were two young women chatting, one of them standing on the crossing. If someone is on the crossing motorists are required to stop.  I wound down my window and politely mentioned that this lady was standing on the crossing.  Her friend apologised but the young woman who was on the crossing told me what I could do, in most unladylike words.  You know it really upset me: it kind of stained the day.

On the other hand I have received some gorgeous hand made cards in the post and some lovely goodies from Judy and today a parcel arrived from Corrine at    I have always enjoyed Corrine's blog and love her approach to her art.  Corrine recently opened an etsy shop and I took the opportunity to buy myself a gift.  It arrived today and I will try to take a pic tomorrow and show you.  

I have been trying to finish off a few small items each evening.  The first pic is Polly Pinkeeper.  The second is a button embellished with beads and buttons.  The last is another toggle using an aboriginal designed fabric.


  1. If she got hit while standing there the poor driver would have been responsible--stupid woman that she is.
    I have some of those red ladies face buttons and some black ones as well-I got them from Buttonmania in the city in Melbourne.

  2. Its horrible when someone upsets you like that and i can understand how you felt Dianne.....wonderful work.

  3. Rudeness is never rewarded, what goes around comes around. Love Polly pin keeper and your silk tubular bead. Thanks for the mention. I am so happy the package arrived safely. xox Corrine

  4. How very sad that this behaviour has become the norm these days. Nobody seems to understand self-control or discipline!!

    I love your little projects Dian, they are always so cute and useful. The little tube button is super. I seem to think I have that fabric, and some in different colourways.

    We are all so fortunate to have our cyber friendships, so much support, and it is timely to give thanks for this. I hope the holidays will be pleasant for you, and 2012 brings you 'more time'. Cheers, and thanks to you for your support.

  5. It's very sad when people behave in that way, when you would never be so thoughtless yourself. That lady is certain to come across displeasure from other people if that is her way of behaving.

    Best wishes for a peaceful and happy Christmas and lots of time in the new year for your stitching projects.

    Hugs from Anne
