Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Journal cover

My journal cover is coming along nicely.  

I have my three grandsons staying so there isn't much time for sewing.

This evening I have ironed some thin batting to the back of the work.  I would not usually pad a cover like this but I want it to be extra luscious to feel as well as to look at.

 The weather has turned quite cold and very windy so our evening visit to the beach was brief and limited to walking. The wind was howling and the water was really rough:  the boys thought it was fantastic of course.    Now they are all settled in on the couches with quilts and pillows and we are watching a DVD of the Smurfs.

Tomorrow they want to do some sewing which suits me fine.  I think the weather will be pretty cool again.


  1. This is coming along really nicely. Can't wait to see it finished. I know what you mean about wanting it to be lush feeling. xox corrine

  2. Looking very pretty Dian. Laurel

  3. This cover is really lovely Dian, and I too can't wait to see it completed. Hope everything is fine with the family, and pleased you are having a break in the heat. A little cooler her today, but not much.

  4. This looks like a very nice cover coming along Dian.Bet the grandkids love staying with you.So much to do, and being wild and free outdoors...bliss for kids.
    It has been cold here too (in Adelaide).

  5. This summer just really doesn't want to happen although I am not too sad about that LOL. Love days no higher than 25oC. Love your journal cover the colours are beautiful together.

  6. Your journal cover looks great. I think the batting will work well, and will make it feel so nice and soft.
    It is cold, but the heat is coming back next week; I wish the weather would decide what it wanted to do.
