Monday, January 2, 2012

thinking out loud

 The weather here is quite hot at present: about 39 degrees today.  It is not the best time to try fine needlework so I am spending time messing about with needle felting which achieves several things.  First it is a chance to use up some scraps, second is the unique piece of fabric that results and finally it is really relaxing.The first pic shows the fabric which has an old piece of nylon scarf attached with some free style quilting.

 The second is the back of the created fabric.  I used a piece of felt as the background material and you can see how the needles force the applied fibres and threads through the backing.  You can also see my quilting threads on the back. I will probably line this or perhaps paint it.  I am not sure what I will be making with it yet.
The last pic is some of my favourite hand dyed fabric and a lace doiley I coloured at the same time.  The photo makes the lace look a lot lighter - in fact it is close in colour to the pink on the fabric.  

These are the beginnings of a journal cover.


  1. Hi Dian ,

    Happy , Happy New Yera 2012 !!! ,


  2. Goodness Dian it is too hot to be doing anything except lie down in the cool room with the aircon on.
    Well done you for tackleing something.

  3. Both projects have great possibilities Dian. I'm fiddling with dark and gloomy at the moment, but I guess I'll add a bit of bling at the end..........LOL..... Not quite as hot here as down there, thank goodness, as our air con is still not fixed!! Happy stitching when you can.

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention the new photo header. It is just beautiful. I love the bright colours and the lines radiating out from your rose, a real beauty, congratulations.
