Saturday, May 19, 2012

leaves and shaving cream

I am making slow progress with my leaf - life is busy just now.

Around the edges and down the centre I have couched down some green twine which I bought at Paper 2.

When I went to the textiles group on Friday I intended to add some beads and stitches but one of the other members had brought along some shaving cream and pigment inks so we had fun with that. I shall add some pics tomorrow.



  1. The leaf is looking quite good. Shaving cream and ink, I forgot about that technique! xox

  2. Oh, how did I miss you profile pic. So good to see YOU! xox

  3. Love this leaf Dianne.The shaving cream and inking sounds interesting!

  4. I am so very interested in your leaf Dian, it looks great!! Can't wait to see what you do with the shaving cream and ink, have fun. I still haven't gone down that path, have tried, but always take a side track. Hope the weather is pleasant.

  5. I really love the way the leaf is coming along - would love a closer look!
