Friday, September 21, 2012

Little pinnies for little twinnies

This week I ordered a pattern by phone.  I had previously seen a post by Karyn at this blog
I have known Karyn for several years now and I know she was thrilled to be offered work at a wool shop.    On her blog she recently showed a pic of the apron she had made and it was just the thing I wanted.  The little twins I mind need some little pinnies to keep their clothes clean.

Anyway I rang Karyn and ordered the pattern and two pieces of laminated fabric. Now I need some time to make these up.

Thanks Karyn - it is just what I wanted. 


  1. Oh cute! Love the circles fabric....xox

  2. what a great idea, good luck stitching the fabric and let me know how you go on with it as I struggle on my machine,

  3. what a gorgeous pattern. cant wait to see them modelled

  4. This little pinny will be just the thing for your little ones Dian. What lovely fabrics!! I find shopping 'with Karyn' just so much fun. Hope these sew up well for you. Cheers.
