Saturday, October 6, 2012

I love to be beside the seaside

Time to create at last.

The past week has been busy with my dear grand children.  

We were lucky enough to have a really warm day on Thursday and a dip in the sea was on the agenda.  The youngsters stayed in the water for quite a while but it was too cold for me.  

As usual a visit to the beach will awaken all kinds of creative thoughts so I found a box that needed covering.  Soon enough the glue, paint, and texture medium were on the coffee table.  Some silk paper, gold tissue, machine made lace and beads and shells were added to the recipe and voila the lid is covered.  It needs some finishing off of course but I thought you might like to see what I have done so far.



  1. this is looking really luxurious and will look wonderful on a box

  2. Gorgeous collage Dian, lovely colours.
