Sunday, February 17, 2013

Spotlight End of Bolt Sale

Today I decided to take advantage of the Spotlight End of Bolt Sale.  30% off if you buy whatever is on the bolt. 

I am planning some curtains and cushions for our downstairs room: the room where I sew and work on creating and where I mind the twins.  

I am so pleased with my purchases as now I have a clear idea of the colour scheme of the room and can undertake the sewing in the winter.  Meantime the walls need painting

 As I was having a last look around I saw this Pellon Rainbowspun which I think is the same as Lutrador.  Anyway each pack has 10 sheets 60cm x 60cm for $8, which I think is irresistable value so I bought aqua, green and yellow.  Just for the stash.



  1. Love the color scheme, black/white/yellow.. and what a yellow. love that.

  2. you have had a great spend, even better when the purchases are bargains Dianne

  3. I think you have done very well with your fabric purchase :-)

  4. lovely fabrics I love the Paris one
