Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Making the most of the weather

 Today has been one of those special days: perfect weather and an opportunity to go for a drive with a friend.

Our destination was Sorrento at the southern end of the Mornington Peninsula: about an hour from our home.

It is a beautiful seaside village and we were delivering paintings for an art exhibition. (not mine).  Afterwards we checked out the shops, had coffee, explored an op shop and walked through a beautiful garden.

 I did a bit more painting and put this corner of the room back together this afternoon.  The room is looking good although there is lots more to do.

After a gloriously warm day we have a beautiful,  clear, mild evening and the moon is so bright.




  1. I haven't been to Sorrento, but it sounds delightful!
    Sorry you won't be looking after the twins any more.Must be a wrench.

  2. Is that a Chinese Lantern I see in the first image? Beautiful and the irises too?
    You have been a very busy woman baby sitting Dian - yes indeed a labour of love! and you will miss the darlings too I am sure of that!
    x Suzy

  3. Oh Dianne you brought back wonderful memories of Sorrento. Visited each time I was in Australia as my grandfather was the vicar in the parish church in the late 1920`s ( I think) there is a wonderful fish and chip shop there which we went to each time we visited.
