Sunday, August 26, 2012

still working at day 34

 I am still busy with my "not thinking" project.  It is day 34 and it has lots of texture and paint.

 The piece is quite interesting to work on but I will be pleased when it is finished.

I have signed up for  a journal making e course and am keen to make a start on that.

My knot garden is looking good too so I think that will be finished soon.

It is good to be working on such different projects but it does challenge me a bit. 


  1. This has been a challenge for me too, but it's also been remarkably revealing. Journal project sounds good too. Never a dull day in your life. xox

  2. This is coming along beautifully Dian, such colour and texture!!! I guess it is hard to 'not think' for 40 days...........LOL..... I'm looking forward to the journals too, just need to find my mojo. Lovely chat as always. Cheers.
